
To allow you to experience Zuluru from all angles, we offer a fully functional live demo. You can login as "admin", "coordinator", "captain" or "player" to see different views (passwords are the same as the user name), or you can create a new account.

We've tried to leave data in incomplete states wherever possible and appropriate. For example, there are unapproved accounts for "admin" to approve, mismatched scores for "coordinator" to resolve, and games with only one score submitted for "captain" to complete. The database for this is refreshed regularly to restore these situations, so feel free to mess around with whatever you want, but don't be surprised if your changes disappear.

Note that emails from this system are in "test" mode, so you will see the content of any email that might be sent on the subsequent page, rather than the email actually being sent.

To look at Zuluru working with Drupal, visit drupal.zuluru.org. It also works well with WordPress, but that's just a matter of changing the template, so a separate demo site isn't necessary.